June 23, 2010

On the Nature of Blogging

The dreaded four-letter word.

So for my first post, I figured I would address the nature of the beast itself: the nature of blogging. Whenever someone has suggested that I start a blog, I would cringe at the thought because (with all due respect to fellow bloggers) it just seems like such a narcissistic thing to do. Writing all about yourself and what interests you, and then making people read it. Why would anyone be interested in my life? Haha. But then again, I suppose we do live in an increasingly individualistic, egotistical society and that is something we are just going to have to make peace with. Facebook, Twitter, Myspace — all of these social networking tools serve to promote the self. To establish a presence online.

Cogito ergo sum?

In a way, this takes me back to high school English ... Specifically, to George Orwell's essay called "Why I Write," in which he describes all forms of writing as narcissistic, as self-centered. Writing is simply one of the many ways to relish your own voice, to savor your own opinion.
"All writers are vain, selfish, and lazy, and at the very bottom of their motives there lies a mystery."

And so I write on, hoping to unearth that mystery.